Thursday, 10 September 2009

Say hello to our first PURE Digital Winner

This is Thomas and he's just won £500 to go on an Ecoescape of his choosing! Thomas had to work for his prize though, as his challenge was to sell as many PURE Digital radios as he could for the month of June. And he did it! So he'll be off on his ecoescape adventure very soon.
Thomas is the first of our year-long trade incentive winners in conjunction with PURE Digital. Their aim is to reward their independant retailers while promoting the energy efficiency of their radios. In fact, did you know that you can run four, yes four, PURE digital radios on less power than one low energy lightbulb? Amazing, and something PURE should be proud of as we work hard to reduce our environmental footprints. If you'd like to find out more about their radios, go to

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